Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Surviving Winter.....

Hello friends....
All of you living in Northern or Eastern part of India, very well be knowing that how the temperature is falling every minute in these part of India.....Well, the mercury level is dropping down every minute like the morality falls in our day-to-day life.... :(

Frankly speaking, since last couple of days, instead of living my life out of the comfort of my warm blanket, i am seriously thinking about going into hibernation. Butttttttttttttttttt for some one like me(a middle class Indian) earning bread n butter is perhaps much more important then thinking about those comfort of  life.......

I remember, during my childhood my mother would heat the water, give me a bath, wipe me and wrap me in a Razai, making it sure that I was ready to fight every minute falling mercury level. Even I used to have my dinner form her hands while hiding myself totally inside that Razai....Actually back then winter did not seem as harsh as it seems now....THANK YOU  MOM :)

But now, may be because of AXE EFFECT( AGE EFFECT actually), this lowering mercury level making it difficult for me to live a normal life.....

Every night before going into sleep, I ask myself  "Should I wake up early in the morning and go for a walk or stay back in the comfort of my warm blanket for another two hours.....???"

While having my morning tea, instead of concentrating on the newspaper in my hand, I keep on thinking "Should I take bath or not...???"  And if I am not taking bath "should i spend some time inside the bathroom and come out after sprinkling some water into my hair so that others don't come to know that i didn't take bath....."

Again in the evening after coming back from workplace, I am in dilemma  "Should I wash my face or not...???"    If not,  "should I stay for a while inside the bathroom keeping the tap open and pretend to be fresh when I come out.....???"

Well, you might be smiling now on my cowardliness but for me taking these decisions are not that easy and that makes the winter even more bitter for me....... :(

Buttttttttttt after all these hardships of winter,  out of all the weathers, I like Winter most because....
"Surviving Winter together brings the couple closer"....isn't it....???


Friday, December 16, 2011

Life goes on.....

We all know that life is full of events....Sometimes they are good and at times bad too......

Events happen in every body's life and with every event and happening there comes emotion attached with it. Indeed there is a lesson too for us in every thing that happens in our day-to-day life.

As you all know that just recently I had to go through a situation which I never thought of and so was never mentally prepared for it. Even when I shared that with all of you here at my blog, I was not sure what the end result will be. But now after about more than a month, I firmly believe that God is always there to take care of all of us and whatever it is, will be the best for my family and myself(Insha Allah).

I may not get all what I lost but hopefully I will be able to have again what I need because I have a feeling that the universe wants us to make  happy and it is certainly going to give what one need even if it may not give what one want.......

And this is how our life goes perhaps.........

At times life does look like a game board.......... 

People changes and things too go wrong, butttttttttt.......

In fact its like a movie to watch while smiling through tear filled eyes......


PS:  Thanks a lot friends for all that moral n emotional support you gave during this tough period of does mean a lot to me and my family.......
i will be visiting all ur blog space one by one....i know its a long break this time but will try to catch up with all of you.....Thanks again... :)

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